Tallents management
On this page, you can view all your supporters who have received extra points for one of the FREEDOMS talents for completing some out-of-app activity.
Qela allows your supporters to develop the skills necessary for every active member of civil society. Each quest they go through in Qela should be aimed at acquiring one of those skills:
- F — fundraising,
- R — recruiting,
- E — endurance,
- E — eloquence,
- D — determination,
- O — originality,
- M — management
- S — savvy.
By clicking on each of the talents, you will be able to view how many supporters have received extra points for those skills recently.
You can use the search bar to look for specific volunteers — use their email for that.
Action - Profile
By clicking View full profile icon you can view a volunteer’s profile.
Action - Change Talent
You can manually change the number of talent points that a volunteer receives for a specific quest. One of the reasons for that might be, for example, if a volunteer did some extra work as a part of completing a quest or really.
Action - Talents History
By clicking Show History icon, you can view the history of all extra talent points the volunteer has received for completing out-of-app activities.