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This page stores all of the votes that you want your supporters to take part in. Voting is one of the most important features of Qela because it is a great way to stimulate supporters to participate in the everyday life of an organization and teaches them about executing their voting power.

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Before creating a vote, it might help you to decide which users you want to engage in it and what formula you want to use for it.

We allow you to create a vote for all users and only for verified users. When you choose to make it for all users, there is a chance that the voting results can be manipulated if bots are introduced into the voting. However, we try to prevent that from happening by restricting the Vote Weight of unverified users: their votes cannot make up more than 10% of the final result. However, if you allow only verified users to vote, you prevent some of your volunteers who haven’t gone through the verification process, from voting, which also doesn’t allow you to see the full picture of your supporters' ideas.

Another choice you need to make when creating voting is whether to use Qela’s voting formula. The formula considers Vote Weight — a sum of influence points, determining the supporter's contribution to the organization's development. Supporter’s Vote Weight depends on how many quests and campaigns they have completed. Thus, the more involved the supporter is in your organization’s activities, the more influence they will have on the voting results.

Qela’s formula also helps avoid vote manipulation by users with big Vote Weight. Regardless of the weight of each verified participant's vote, their contribution to the voting result will not make up for more than 5% of all votes.

The voting with Qela’s formula can only take place if at least 21 verified users took part in it.

We recommend using Qela’s formula for most votes, especially the ones deciding upon some important changes in the organization’s life — what to raise money for, who to choose as a branch’s head, etc. However, if for some legislative or judicial reason, you need to calculate the results by knowing how many people voted for each option, then you can use the 1 person = 1 vote mode.

ATTENTION. You can edit voting only in "Draft" status. Since the results of all votes are stored on the blockchain, after publication, none of the fields will be available for editing.