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How to get started

We suggest preparing the space in Qela for your supporters before inviting them to your Qela space. It will be helpful to have a few things for them to look through or participate in when they first arrive.

Benefits of having the space ready for when supporters arrive:

having some quests or votes that they can sign up for will ensure that they will return to Qela and participate in your future activities; with filled-in campaigns and quests it will be easier for them to understand if they relate to your mission filled in space will attract more supporters’ attention

What should you do before inviting your supporters to your Qela space?

1. Create a Campaign:

  • Start by creating at least one campaign to set the direction for your organization. This campaign will help people understand your organization's goals. It should be available in Qela before inviting users to join.

Read more about campaign

2. Add Quests and Quest Chains:

  • After creating a campaign, populate it with quests and quest chains. Quests are key to engaging your supporters and retaining users in the app.
  • We recommend having at least two quests ready before inviting people, but the more quests you can create, the better.
  • Utilize the 18 quest templates available in Qela and tailor them to your supporters' preferences.
  • Diversify quest difficulty levels and talents they can bring to cater to a broad audience.
  • Include both online and offline quests, and if you have upcoming events, add them as quests to allow users to sign up in advance.

Read more about quests
Read more about chains

3. Voting:

  • Create at least two votes to demonstrate the importance of user opinions.
  • Even though Vote Weight may not change immediately, engaging supporters in votes right away shows them that their opinions matter to you and that they can influence your organization through Qela.

Read more about voting

4. News:

  • Upload informative articles to the "News" section of Qela.
  • Write fresh content or repurpose existing articles from your website or social media.
  • Ensure that the articles are relevant and engaging for your supporters.
  • They should provide insights into your organization's values, recent developments, and future plans.
  • Topics can include new branches openings, upcoming events, campaign updates, and more.

Read more about news

5. Add Contacts:

  • In the admin panel, make sure to include your relevant contact information.
  • This allows your supporters to easily get in touch with your organization outside of the app.